domingo, 10 de octubre de 2021

3rd. Grade Google Classroom


⭐Hello everybody⭐


🔸  REMEMBER: Starting tomorrow, Monday, October 11th, 2021 we will start using Google Classroom. All the students must be registered in all classes, in their corresponding grades and sections, in order to see all the presentations the teachers will upload, as well as homework and other activities.

📚📓💻 Also the students must submit all the activities and homework only to Google Classroom. The students must not sent any other homework to our e-mails, anymore. 

🔸 Recordar que mañana Lunes 11 de Octubre de 2021, comenzaremos a utilizar Google Classroom. Todos los alumnos deben estar registrados en todas las clases, en sus grados y secciones correspondientes, para que puedan ver las presentaciones, tareas y actividades que las teachers mandan a GC. 

📚📓💻Los alumnos deben enviar todas las tareas y actividades, solamente a Google Classroom. No se deben enviar mas tareas a los correos de las teachers.

          🍎 Teacher Marisela Valero and 🍎 Teacher Amanda Paz

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